Cover letter from Skip
/Dear People,
I'm so pleased and inspired by what you've written after learning of our dear Executive Administrator's passing. It certainly helps to explain why things have moved along smoothly and how our immediate needs for the Association have been met. The undergirding of unselfed love and the choosing of spiritual experience by members, guests and friends, rather than being drawn into the pit of sadness, has been tangibly felt and made a difference. It really does feel that we have taken a step forward rather than having lost ground. So I thought it would be useful to post some of your comments.
While we do not yet have a replacement for Bree's position, we have had such honest and unselfed willingness to serve temporarily, that things are moving along smoothly. A number of people have pitched in freely, and we are extremely grateful for the strength and growth of the Association that all this thought and effort makes evident.
One of you wrote that this seemed to be a new day or pivotal point for the association, and that Bree, too, had seen it that way. It's true! So let's work together in these weeks prior to Association, and then come together in the wondrous light of spiritual understanding for Association day on April 28. Let's expect to see Christ, Truth, anew!
With deepest affection,
Allison W. Phinney, C.S.B.
P.S. We will be sending more fruitage, and the topic letter and study references later this month and in early March.