“All of these healings left me asking, ‘What cannot God do?’”
/The first thing that stands out about these Christian Scientists in 1943 is the sheer volume of healing work that was being accomplished. There were a lot of testimonies in those Sentinels! I think the nature of the assignment exposed me to that. As a member of a branch church, you get to hear two or three testimonies a week, but with week after week of Sentinels I was impressed by not only the number of testimonies, but the diversity of issues healed. Agnosticism, protection during war, a pierced eyeball, a woman on the verge of suicide. All of these healings left me asking, “What cannot God do?”
For many of the testifiers, the state of consciousness was one of being made over, being made new. This was apparent from the gratitude that was expressed by the testifiers. The same kind of healing can be found today because God, as understood in Science, is unchanging. This is why it can be expected. This assignment showed the verity in the verse from Hymn 269, “Our God is Love, unchanging Love, and can we ask for more?” God’s Love and healing power is unchanging throughout time. Personally, this assignment has given me an expanded sense of the possibilities of Christian Science healing and left me with the desire to witness more healing in my own life.