Becoming conscious of God’s allness
/Question 1: Share a physical healing or healings in which reading one or more of Skip’s articles played an important part in your own spiritual study and prayer and ultimate healing.
One recent Wednesday evening as I was driving home from church, I began to feel some difficulty breathing. It wasn’t a huge thing, but it did demand immediate attention. My thought turned to God and various statements from the Bible and Science and Health, and I also sang some hymns to myself. I got some relief, but not complete freedom.
When I got home, I immediately got back to work on this year’s assignment. As I did, my thought became completely involved in what I was reading, and the freshness and newness of Christian Science came through. Soon after starting to read, I realized that I was no longer laboring to breathe, and that I was no longer impressed by the claim of congestion and whatever mortal mind said might have caused it. I realized I was free, and that was it.
What made the difference? Becoming conscious of God’s allness and the nothingness—the fraudulence—of anything that would deny God, or Truth. This change in consciousness is so evident in the demonstrations behind Skip’s writings. Skip’s articles strip away the accumulated layers of mortal mind that would obscure the light of the Christ and go straight to spiritual fact and law. That makes them immeasurably helpful and timeless.