What Truth was bringing to the surface, Truth was also able to destroy
/It is with gratitude that I acknowledge a healing that took place just last week. All of a sudden one evening I felt ill. It’s not that I had neglected to keep my spiritual armor on. In fact, I had been diligently working with the daily lesson sermon, digging into Science and Health as well as doing the assignment for the upcoming association. However, my husband had had the news on quite a lot that day because he wanted to be up-to-date on what was going on in order to make intelligent decisions for his business. I realized that I had taken in the heaviness and fear of the world, as well as the claim of contagion.
The next thought that came to me was that what Truth was bringing to the surface, Truth was also able to destroy. As in the trial in the chapter, “Christian Science Practice”, I immediately took the case out of the court of matter, into the court of Spirit. I worked with the statement from Science and Health that “evil is neither communicable nor scientific.” I knew that evil could not communicate illness to God’s man. I loved thinking about what is read from the podium each Sunday, “undivorced from Truth, uncontaminated and unfettered by human hypothesis, and divinely authorized,” and applying it to myself and all mankind.
There were moments when I was tempted to lay down and make myself humanly comfortable, but I remained alert and stuck to the truths that were unfolding to my thought. I realized that I had dominion, and that dominion was in my thought and needed to be exercised vigorously. If someone next to me were having a dream, I would not have to get into their dream – I could remain awake. This was nothing more than the Adam dream, and I could exercise my Christly authority and refuse to consent to it.
I knew that God is wholly good and that man is the expression of that goodness. I also knew that no one could ever fall out of that infinite goodness, nor could anything invade man’s perfect being. I was as safe as God was. Within just a few hours I was completely free. What was most significant about this healing was the freedom from fear over contagion that I felt. The only destiny for man is that he is destined to be transformed to the image of the Christ. I am so grateful that Mrs. Eddy has given us the full and final revelation of Truth and this Truth is being demonstrated here and now.