"…to see its unreality"
/In working and praying for enlightenment to see the destruction of the present virus, I found in the dictionary the meaning of the word corona, which means “crown”, or perhaps “a circle”. And virus means in Latin, poison – “anything that is destructive or fatal”. So I thought, what is being presented now could be said to be a “circle of destruction”.
The first step, then, is to see its unreality. It is lifeless, truthless, mindless, and powerless. In Unity of Good, page 20, under the heading of “Rectifications”, I found an argument by which evil must be destroyed:
1st: God never made it.
2nd: He knows it not.
3rd: We therefore need not fear it.
And I thought about the acronym F.E.A.R. representing False Evidence Appearing Real.
This past week my son took me to the grocery store. I was surprised there was only one entrance available, where there was a sign stating that only 75 people at a time would be admitted. It also said that we were to stay 6 feet distant from everyone. There was an uncomfortable feeling in the store. Some people were wearing masks, others keeping a great distance from everyone, and the cashiers were behind big plastic barriers. I brought my own shopping bags, which they wouldn’t touch and the baggers (who would only use bags that were paper or plastic) backed away while my son bagged the groceries. I felt like I was the threat.
As I walked toward the door, I became very sick. While I waited for my son to come with the car, the lines from Hymn 144 came to me: “In atmosphere of Love, divine, we live and move and breathe. Though mortal eyes may see it not, ‘Tis sense that would deceive.”
My son took me home. I put the frozen and refrigerated items away – then fell into the recliner, picked up the Christian Science Sentinel, started reading where I left off, soaking in all the good ideas and love expressed by the contributors, till I came to the end of the issue, uplifted and well. Then I put away the rest of the groceries.
On page 441 of Science and Health I read: “The plea of False Belief we deem unworthy of a hearing. Let what False Belief utters, now and forever, fall into oblivion ‘unknelled, uncoffined and unknown.’“