Post-Association assignment
"What was cured then can be cured now. What was nothing then is nothing now.
I’m halfway through my fourth in-depth sequential reading of the booklet. The childlikeness of the five-year-old youngster who simply told her little sister, “My body fell, but I am not in my body. Can God’s child fall?” is beautiful (C.E.M., Journal, July 1898; p. 77).
“True confession time: the first thing I read is News of Healing”
/"They never gave up, no matter how serious the material condition."
As you suggested, I made no effort to read and digest them all at one sitting. Since I had to look them all up in their original form, I repaired on four separate days to the terrific Reading Room of First Church, Arlington, Virginia. Reading the original volumes required physical as well as mental effort—climbing onto step stools many times to retrieve volumes, some over 100 years old, gently pulling them down with their crumbling covers, and gently turning the pages in search of the valuable lessons these testimonies taught.
"I felt Love's all-presence and a deep sense of peace."
1. In all honesty, do you feel differently about Christian Science healing and your own practice of C.S. after completing the reading? What new conclusions might you draw from these testimonies?
I do feel differently about Christian Science healing and my practice. I feel a stronger reliance on and trust in Truth and in the truth about man. The conclusion that can be drawn is that we can depend completely on the truths of God and their effectiveness in healing; we can trust that they do heal.
“Learning how to bind up the broken-hearted”
The introduction, which tells about the two wartime workers, made me think of Mrs. Eddy’s words, “If we would open their prison doors for the sick, we must first learn to bind up the broken-hearted” (S&H 366:30–31). The most broken-hearted of all would be those who feel the way that man in the introduction felt—that God isn’t there, because if He were, these terrible things couldn’t have happened.
“Strong faith, understanding, and trust in God were the qualities of thought that opened the way for the healings”
/“Anyone who has the pure desire to heal can heal.”
/“Ready to say “YES! I will support you with treatment.”
Question 1. I may not feel differently about Christian Science so much as I feel differently about my own ability to practice it. I always understood Christian Science heals. Had I contemplated quite so fully what a healing treatment does? Not exactly.
“Doing it not just for myself, but for the whole world”
I have a bulletin board in front of my desk, and at the top in big letters I have the words “Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good”…
“I have been mesmerised into thinking that I haven’t progressed.”
/“I felt that I, too, could fight the good fight.”
/I have been feeling a heavy burden from just about everything, then procrastination, and then more of everything. Finally I made myself sit down with the booklet of testimonies and read for a couple of hours each time.
After the end of the testimonies, a passage from the Bible came to me: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). I felt that I, too, could fight the good fight. Being obedient to Truth is a natural part of man and a natural part of me. It also rekindled my desire to study the Bible, the textbook, and other writings by Mrs. Eddy.
“Understanding that God guides every one of His ideas.”
/“It feels like the walls of resistance to using Christian Science…are cracking”
/A healing of depressive and lonely thoughts
Yes, reading the testimonies in this year’s assignment (and many more articles in the Sentinel and Journal) has made me think much more about how Christian Science relates to our daily life. It shows how healing can be so natural. I am starting to understand how the spiritual reality of being is a present possibility that is right here with us.