Post-Association fruitage
"I’m getting better at…handling false suggestions when they come up.”
/“Mortal mind and body are one.”
/“…God truly was on the scene.”
/“I realize now that I have been experiencing grace.”
/“…the aggressive behavior was turned into loving cooperation.”
/“I was horrified by the realization that I had been accepting of anything but the truth about each family member.”
/Healings from practice
/Healing thought after Association day
/I’ve worked on a simple thought. When we leave the Association meeting, animal magnetism cannot persuade us that we are leaving a special day with a bag of nice ideas to take back into the “real world.” All that good, joy, confidence, insight and willingness to work is our native mental estate, is the realm of the real. Aggressive mental suggestion is a tricky temptation, that can tempt no one, for we are alert, awake, and the active children of Mind, Love. We live not in matter and live only as we live in infinite good. Each wonderful idea we opened to is a higher sense of the one creation. Error cannot tempt our Association family to sleep, or to believe in temporal good things and experiences; for good is the everlasting and only reality. We are alert, awake and can see the ideas we learned doing their work and transforming our world. Amen and thank Love!
"Feeling God's presence is what I want to do more and more."
/Praying for a loved one
/I wanted to share a healing that occurred just before Association. My dad was having a problem with his foot, and unable to walk well and work his regular schedule for a couple of months. He became more open to prayerful support and metaphysical ideas, and I prayed in general (he is currently on medication) for approximately a week and sent helpful articles related to what he was working through and he also read some of Science and Health, by Mrs. Eddy. Within one week of this prayer, he was feeling better and back to regular work and seemed uplifted and his joyful self. I have seen this sequence of events several times. I was very grateful for this, and to learn more of our ongoing and continuous joy, inspiration, purpose, and faith.