No contagious effect
/Several weeks ago my daughter had a play date with two other girls for several hours. They had a good time as usual, but afterwards one of the other moms texted and said she was so sorry – she just found out that her daughter had strep throat. The implication was she wouldn’t have let them get together had she known earlier.
My wife asked me to pray. I was glad for the opportunity and started with the textbook approach: calm fear; plead God’s Allness and the power of Truth, Life, Love; generally work on parental thought more than kids.
After one work/prayer session, I forgot about the issue until a few weeks later when I asked my wife about the issue. There had been no contagious effect, and it was a non-event.
I’m deeply indebted to Mrs. Eddy’s articles on contagion and her teachings on casting out fear, both of which I’m looking forward to demonstrating more.