Watch God work, not man
/With the announcement of the coronavirus, I remembered a beautiful experience my son and I had many years ago. He was four years old and not feeling well. I worked and prayed diligently for days. It was a rule in our house, established by my husband who was not a Christian Scientist, that after five days the children would have to see the pediatrician, if the healing was not complete. The fifth day came and went. So my husband insisted we call the pediatrician describing the symptoms.
The pediatrician told us to take our son to the hospital. I was disheartened. This was the first time a spiritual healing had not come about within the time frame set by my husband. So I called my dear grandmother who was greatly instrumental in my spiritual education through Christian Science. She reminded me that God, divine Love, was not left at the door of the hospital. In fact, Love was everywhere caring for everyone. She remarked, “Watch God work, not man.”
Now, my thought was uplifted and the expectance of healing was clear. Immediately after we arrived at the hospital, clinical tests were run. The pediatrician returned saddened. This pediatrician was very much like Mrs. Eddy describes kind-hearted physicians in Science and Health. “Great respect is due the motives and philanthropy of the higher class of physicians. “ The doctor said my son had a virus for which medicine had no vaccine or treatment. There was nothing more he could do. The boy would have to fight it on his own. Then the most wonderful words came from his lips, “All we can do is pray!”
My husband had his hands on his head looking at the floor. He was distraught. On the other hand, I looked up with such joy. I knew God had taken this case out of the medical’s hands. Science was on the scene delivering us even if others didn’t see it. There was no question in my mind that healing was imminent. Within an hour, the fever broke.
The medical personnel wanted to keep on observing my son. But he grew strong enough that they released him within a few days. We continued to pray with a spiritual conviction like never before. He was completely healed by month’s-end. This passage from Science and Health still illumines this experience for me: “The facts of divine Science should be admitted, — although the evidence as to these facts is not supported by evil, by matter, or by material sense, — because the evidence that God and man coexist is fully sustained by spiritual sense. Man is, and forever has been, God’s reflection.”