Truth sends a report of health over the body…

Since the news cycle regarding the current threat of a worldwide pandemic has been dominating public attention, I have had the opportunity to reflect on several distinct healings of so-called contagious diseases in our family.

As parents of three children, we were very aware of the health issues raised when there was fear of communicable diseases in our community. On one occasion when there was fear of a named virus making the rounds, and one of our children was exhibiting the outlined symptoms ascribed by medical theory, I distinctly recall sitting in the stairwell of our home, thinking, “Oh, no!” I reached out prayerfully to God in order to quiet the fear that we’d be “holed-up” for a long time getting through this belief in a contagious disease.

To my surprise, part of a familiar Bible verse came to mind, “God requireth that which is past.” Somewhat puzzled, I looked up the context from Eccl 3:14, “I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.” Suddenly, the angel message made ultimate sense. I was to love God and accept that what He does is all that is ever done, forever good; and that nothing can be added to that complete perfection of God’s fashioning of His ideas, nor was I to be led astray thinking something had to be taken away!

I remembered our Leader’s passage: “Wholly apart from this mortal dream, this illusion and delusion of sense, Christian Science comes to reveal man as God’s image, His idea, coexistent with Him – God giving all and man having all that God gives.” (My 5:7-10) Without man’s acceptance and approval of disease thoughts and their claims of pattern, cause, or law, man can experience complete exemption from humanly sanctioned physical “laws'“ of health. I drew great assurance, knowing that this angel message was sent to me to correct a set of false beliefs; and as our Leader assures us, “When one’s false belief is corrected, Truth sends a report of health over the body.” (SH 194:8). I was so grateful that I could trust Truth to do its job; the child quickly recovered, and the siblings were never affected.

Healing experiences like this one increased our sense of harmony as a family and brought about great reassurance that “health is indeed, a consciousness of harmony, and of nothing else.” (Rud 11:13- 15). And that all mankind has a right to this consciousness of harmony for God’s children all abide “under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Ps 91:1)