Christian Science healing continues to respond to any and all situations

This morning, before I logged on to TMC Sunday church service, I glanced up at my bookshelf and saw the book, Freedom and Responsibility. While it was published in 1989, and speaking to the reader concerning Christian Science healing for children, much of it seems relevant to the current climate, and how Christian Science healing continues to respond to any and all situations. I was grateful I took it off the bookshelf this afternoon. The opening “Statement for Atlanta Centers for Disease Control” seems just as applicable today as it was when it appeared in our Sentinel in 1986.

“Christian Scientists do not share the antagonism toward public health officials and doctors that is characteristic of some faith healing groups. While taking a different approach to healing, they feel genuine appreciation for the humanitarian efforts of physicians to relieve suffering. It’s in this spirit that Christian Scientists have a long history of cooperation with public health officials – reporting suspected communicable diseases, it has been said, more consistently than many who rely on medical care. They generally request exemptions from vaccinations when the law provides for it, but at the same time they willingly comply with mandatory immunizations, quarantines, and emergency health procedures.…While relying on a method of healing that is basic to their practice of religion, Christian Scientists strive not to ignore the health concerns of others. They work to understand the needs of others and cooperate with them; and they appreciate similar consideration for their approach to healing.”