“Not a trace of TB, latent or otherwise”
/Many years ago when I was finishing my teaching credential, I was obliged to take a TB test to begin student teaching in the public schools. I was able to be tested at the University nursing office. Much to my dismay the results returned positive. I was required to take a chest x-ray. The x-ray was taken on a Friday and I had to wait until Monday for the results. In the meanwhile, I contacted a Christian Science practitioner and, I had occasion to talk to my teacher (CSB) as well, but not for specific treatment.
One main concern I had was that I appeared to have something I hadn’t even been aware of. My teacher said that during the war many people who were examined for admittance to the armed forces found that they had various conditions they didn’t know about, but that afterwards, they were healed. That thought gave me confidence. On Monday the doctor on staff reviewed my x-rays and explained that there were scars on my lungs that indicated my having contracted TB, but that it had already been healed. He explained that what I had was latent TB. It was TB that was not presently active but could become active at any time.
He questioned if I had recently been to a foreign country where I might have been exposed to infected individuals. My only trip had been to Hawaii, but he said, that most likely would not have caused the infection.
This proved to me that the disease was purely mental and not transmitted through human contact Therefore, it could be healed mentally, spiritually; and, in fact Christian Science healing had already begun. According to medicine the usual procedure was to take a pill to prevent reactivation of the disease, but it was only recommended, not obligatory. I explained that I was a Christian Scientist and I would continue to rely on it. It had protected and healed me already so I would continue to rely on it. The doctor then gave me written permission to student teach in the schools.
A few years later I wanted to change my career path to that of a Christian Science Nurse. In the back of my mind there was some unfinished business concerning the possibility of still having latent TB. Since I would be working closely with people needing nursing assistance, I contacted a former Committee on Publication of the Mother Church, to ask if it would be advisable to take another TB test. I took the test and when the results returned, they were negative, not a trace of TB, latent or otherwise.
I kept that receipt from the county medical testing office in my wallet until a few years ago. Then I decided that I didn’t want any indication that the claim had ever existed, so I threw it out. God’s protection is powerful, and gentle at the same time! I had contracted what to human belief was a serious contagious disease and was healed of it without ever being aware of it! Besides that, no one else was ever affected! I am forever grateful!