The joy of dominion was unforgettable
/My most treasured healing of contagion happened years ago when I was struggling with flu symptoms. While my husband looked after our young children one evening, I sat propped up in bed reading Science and Health. Feeling very weak and unwell, I was reading the imperative statements starting around page 390 of the chapter, “Christian Science Practice”. Eventually statements like this one started to sink in:
Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 393:12)
I asked myself, “If this is the truth, why aren’t I acting like it?” I remembered a testimony I’d read years earlier that made a big impression on me. A man praying about a serious physical challenge realized he needed to act as though the truth were true. When he began moving his body normally, he was healed. I saw that I needed to do the same.
In mental protest against the claim of illness, I got out of bed and began slowly pacing back and forth in the bedroom, reading from these pages of Science and Health as I walked. As I continued doing this, I felt mentally and physically stronger and stronger, and the symptoms began to recede. Within half an hour I was walking down the hall to my piano, where I sat down and played a few hymns. The claim was on its way out.
Our family went to bed, and in the morning I was completely free. This experience was probably my first significant healing without the help of a practitioner. The joy of dominion was unforgettable.